Tribal Warriors Martial Arts

Old Boxing Gym, 1 Vale Road, Rhyl, Denbighshire, LL18 4AA.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07875172236

Have you seen positive results from children taking up MARTIAL ARTS?? Here’s why…

Martial arts is an excellent avenue for character building in children. Here we explore some of the many reasons why learning a martial arts is good for children. Reasons that perhaps aren’t so obvious as keeping your child healthy and burning off some of that excess energy. And why you might want to consider enrolling your child in martial arts classes.  Essentially, martial arts teaches children how to direct their energy in a positive way. While making them more self-aware and teaching them how to work with others. Your child will also learn to work hard for themselves too, by reaching their goals and excelling at an art. Teaching values and instilling upstanding character traits that carry over into everyday life.


We know Focus plays a key role in the mindset of children, who have limited attention spans at this stage in their life. Our classes will build their attention span… teaching your child to focus on the task at hand while improving their listening and reaction skills at the same time. As a result, your child will excel in physical activity, improve their ability to stay focused, and become an astute listener in class, at home, and in school. As a person reaches adulthood and they must work at a job, drive a car, or study, the ability to focus proves to be an invaluable skill. Martial arts can be the foundation for this ability to sharpen one’s focus.

Self Defence

The instructor at Tribal Warriors Martial Arts has trained for many years to make sure everything taught is reality based. Having trained under some of the best martial artists in his field. He is dedicated to staying on the cutting-edge of REALISTIC martial arts training. Whilst still instilling traditional values and fundamentals. With that said, your child is still in the developmental stage of their life and will begin their martial arts journey by focusing only on the basics of our Martial Arts Curriculum. In a self-defence program, children are constantly learning new skills. And each one is a little more challenging than the one before. Not everything is easy and developing these skills can take practice. But developing new skills leads to confidence and pride in one’s abilities.


One of the most important words in martial arts is respect. It’s not just about kicking and punching. Our Little Warrior classes are about personal growth and developing a positive mindset too. Martial arts and self-defence are widely acknowledged for their ability to cultivate concentration, discipline and respect in their students. Students are expected to listen to their instructor, stand in a line, wait patiently, take turns, and bow to their instructor and their opponents as a show of respect. Students are taught to respect their instructors, each other, and themselves.

Self Esteem & Confidence

When a child is able to concentrate and learn, the more confident they feel about themselves. They are working on themselves, for themselves. And have learned how to work hard to achieve their goals. They are staying physically fit, using their minds, and associating with respectful and caring people and friends. Working hard for themselves means they see their own worth. And they are doing it with friends, in a supportive environment, which further boosts your child’s confidence. Nothing can take the place of the security in knowing that your child can defend themselves should the need ever arise…and your own child’s self confidence in knowing this themselves is immense.

Discipline, Behaviour & Patience

We have a lot of fun at Tribal Warriors Martial Arts but instructors will not tolerate excessive talking or messing around in class. Improved behaviour in a martial arts class often translates into improved behaviour at school. Improved behaviour at school often translates into improved grades. It takes time, focus, and a lot of work to reach your goals, in martial arts or any other endeavour. Martial arts classes are a miniature version of the world, in which you concentrate your efforts to achieve your goals. The students learn to work hard, concentrate, and patiently learn their lessons until they eventually excel after putting in the work that it takes. The lesson is that patience and hard work pay off and are good for you—and, in many ways, good for everyone around you.

Social Skills & Friendship

Making friends is an important part of childhood. At Tribal Warriors Martial Arts, we provide the positive atmosphere and family oriented activities necessary to help young children make new friends, while teaching them the concepts of sharing, compassion, and conflict resolution. Classes are delivered in a structured group environment which means interacting with others. Developing friendships and learning group behaviour such as turn taking, supporting each other, being kind, and showing respect for each other.

Our Little Warrior Kickboxing classes can teach your child all the lessons they need to

give them a great start in life, whilst also learning how to defend themselves

and having fun.



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 Tribal Warriors Martial Arts

Old Boxing Gym
1 Vale Road
LL18 4AA

  Telephone: 07875172236

 Dyserth Community Centre

29 Cwm Road

LL18 6BA


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 Jubilee Community Centre

Seabank Drive

LL19 7PP


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